
ドミニカ共和国&ハイチ旅行 - その1

12月15日 (土) 【アメリカ→ドミニカ共和国】


宿で一息ついてから、歩いてすぐのParque de Colonに行き、夕食をとる。お勘定を見て、ちょっとびっくり。メニューの価格に何やら加わって、合計が30%近く高い。ウェイターさんに尋ねて、16%が間接税で10%はサービス料と判明。「サービス料の10%は良いとして、間接税16%って高くない?」と聞いたところ、「新しい政治家が現れては、人気取りのために放漫な財政で赤字を増やし、ツケを間接税に回して去って行くから、どんどん税率が高くなってるんだ。サービス料は全然変わらないってのに…。これが民主主義ってもんさ」との返事。

12月16日(日) 【ドミニカ共和国】

午前中に明日のハイチ行きのバスの便について情報を得るため歩き回った後、サント・ドミンゴの市内をゆっくり散策。米メジャーリーガーもたくさん輩出しているドミニカ共和国のプロ野球の試合が午後5時からあると聞き、タクシーで市内のEstadio Quisqueyaへ向かう。場外で応援グッズやウェアを売っていたので、今日の対戦チームのうち、デザインが気に入ったEscogidoの帽子を購入。

Leones del Escogido(攻撃) vs Tigres del Licey(守備)




Heading out for vacation!


Happy Holidays!



"Botswana and Zambia: Counting on Microfinance"も、ビジネスウィークから。ボツワナおよびザンビアでのマイクロファイナンスの現状に関する、ナレーションつきスライドショー。






"Nigeria: Creating Wealth Out of Chaos"は、ビジネスウィークのナレーションつきスライドショー。こちらはナイジェリアについて。






長い間飢餓に苦しんで来たマラウィ。しかし、New York Timesの"Ending Famine, Simply by Ignoring the Experts"は、今年は豊作で、食糧輸出に転じており、ユニセフの救援用備蓄食糧もいらなくなって他国に移転されるほどだと報じています。豊富で安価な食糧は、社会の発展に極めて有益です。








ビジネスウィークの"Can Greed Save Africa?: Fearless investing is succeeding where aid often hasn't"は、ビジネスチャンスを嗅ぎつけて、アフリカに群がる起業家と投資家たちについての記事です。


彼らがやってるビジネスの着眼点の多くは、C.K.プラハラードが言うBOP (the Bottom of the Pyramid)のアプローチに通じます。








正直、私はブログが出て来始めた頃(まだweblogと呼ばれてましたね)、全く関心が無かったんです。従来の個人ホームページと何が違うのか、よく分かっていませんでした。ブログ以前でも、ジオシティーズなどを使えば、無料で、大したスキルも必要なく、ホームページを作ることはできました。ブログは、自分でホームページを作るよりもさらに簡単だけど、できることの制約も多い。Web 2.0だ、双方向コミュニケーションだといったところで、それまでにも掲示板やチャットを組み込んだホームページもいくらでもありました。個人ホームページがあまり活発にならない理由は、作るのが難しいからというよりも、個人が持っている魅力的なコンテンツが少ないから、と考えていたので、ブログというものがそれほど大きな革新をもたらすとは思えませんでした。



1. 技術的スキルの閾値: 個人ホームページを作るのはいくら難しくないとは言え、それでもやっぱり大部分の普通の人たちには面倒くさすぎた。ブログは、情報発信のために必要とされるスキルの要求度を下げることで、サービスの対象となる顧客層を飛躍的に広げることができた。 

2. 動的な情報発信: 使用できるフォーマットに制約があることで、逆にユーザーが頭を使う余地が少なくなり、構成だとか整理だとかに悩むことなく気軽に新しい記事を書けるようになった。これにより、それまでの個人ホームページよりも更新の頻度が高まり、「動き」のあるメディアとなって、その魅力度増大につながった。

3. コミュニティの発生: こうして、より多くの人がより頻繁に情報発信を行うようになると、その情報を求めてやってくる人の数や頻度も増大し、相乗効果が生まれた。さらに、コメントやトラックバック、それにSNSの足あとなどの仕掛けが加わることで、ユーザー相互のコミュニケーションが促進され、コミュニティが生まれた。

4. メンバーの選択: コミュニティの価値は、「誰を入れるか」だけでなく、「誰を入れないか」に左右される。SNSは、コミュニティのメンバーを選択する力をユーザーに与えることで、コミュニティ内のつながりをより密接なものにすることを可能にした。





ドルのキャリー・トレードが蔓延して、基軸通貨国が際限なく紙幣を刷り始めるなんてことになったらどうなってしまうのか…確かに、ちょっと想像し難いですね。 ただはっきりしてるのは、サステナブルではないということ。今のドルを基軸通貨とした国際通貨体制に、どうしても何か抜本的な手を打たなきゃならないってことになる時が近づきつつあるように思います。

最近のFinancial Timesの論説は、SDR(IMFの特別引出権)を緩衝材として活用することを提案しています。ただ、これもその有効性の源泉はというと、結局のところ通貨バスケットと…ゴールド。本当にその程度の小手先の対応で大丈夫なの?テラみたいなもう一歩つっこんだ選択肢も、少なくとも代替案の一つとして真剣に検討する必要が 、本当に出てきているんじゃないかな?


Ripple Project

I have long been interested in the potential of alternative currency such as LETS as a tool for social and economic development. When I was working with UNESCO in Korea, I proposed the idea of exmerimenting a community currency system as a part of the incentive mechanism for volunteers of the Cross-Cultural Awareness Program, with a longer-term aim of leveraging it to build a self-help community among foreign students in Korea (though it didn't materialize as I soon quit the job). However, I've also had a reservation about the archtectural weakness of LETS.

I recently learned about this new open-source system called the Ripple that seems very promising for overcoming the kind of problems LETS had. The system is symple and robust. It is basically a financial version of LinkedIn, or a cyber version of traditional, informal value transfer system called hawala or hundi. Of course the Ripple is far from perfect, but I have a distinct feeling that this idea can lead to a very exciting and concrete innovation.

I am particularly interested in its potential application in international development. Combined with P2P mobile banking systems that are taking off in many developing countries, this can significantly help mirofinance institutions reduce their high transaction cost, especially related to due diligence. The result can be a next major innovation in micorfinance after salary-based lending and Kiva.



昨日は昼に「社会貢献価値」取引所プロジェクトのメンバーとミーティングした後帰宅してから、来年の本格始動に向けて色々と仕込みをはじめ、深夜まで没頭してしまいました。期末試験直前だというのに、勉強は完全にそっちのけ。自分への言い訳ですが、この年で折角また学生生活やってるんだから、必修科目の試験勉強なんて時間がもったいなくて。今回の留学は二年分の年収(+昇給)の機会損失と学費(これは会社が出してくれてますが)をあわせたら、ン千万円の投資になります。まぁ単純な算盤勘定を超えて、「自分のやりたいことができる人生」を手に入れるという意味で元を取ろうと思ったら、実際「やりたくねえことやってる暇はねえ」(by 真島昌利)ってなもんです。

まずは、これまで読み漁った文献および今後分担して読まなきゃいけない文献をリストアップ。今まで読んだ中では、"Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained: Addressing the critical gaps in risk-taking capital for social enterprise""Developing a Social Equity Capital Market 2006"がよくまとまっていて、現況を概観するのに役立ちました。

さらに、今後調査が必要な団体・個人をマッピング。xigiなどでこれまでに見つけた特に面白そうな事例は、まず南アフリカのSASIXと、ブラジルのBVS&A。それに、まだ試験段階のようですが、イギリスのTriodos EthexとアメリカのAltruistiqといったところでしょうか。



私たちの「社会貢献価値」取引所創設のプロジェクトにアドバイザーとして参画してくれている一人に、HIP InvestorのCEOのポール・ハーマンがいます。彼から最近聞いた話では、排出権市場で「社会貢献価値」も取引できないかというプランを構想している人たちがいるそうです。


排出権取引は、あくまで政府が温暖化ガスの排出量を規制することによって、人為的に希少性を作り出すことで、「排出権」という目に見えないものに価値が与えられて、それを取引できる場が用意されたことで成り立っています。つまり、ここでの価値の源泉は、政府がもつ強制力なのです。 ところが、政府が企業や個人に、「社会貢献価値」をそれぞれ何ユニットと割り当てを決めて、(納税のように)義務として拠出させるといったことは、ちょっと非現実的すぎます。さらに、「社会貢献価値」は、二酸化炭素の排出量よりも測定がはるかに困難です。「社会貢献価値」が取引されるには、具体的かつ測量可能な便益が見返りとして無ければなりません。


P.S. 排出権取引といえば、私のミシガン大学留学時代からの畏友の吉高まりさんが、この分野における日本でのパイオニアの一人として、10月にNHKのザ・プロフェッショナルに出演されていました。私は滞米中なもので放映時は見ることができず、家族に録画を頼んでいたんですが、先日のサンクスギビング休暇で東京に戻ったときにチェックしたら、残念ながら録画失敗していました。楽しみにしていたのに…。仕方ないので、日経ビジネスオンラインの茂木健一郎のコラムを読んで我慢。





Premises of the Social Value Exchange System Project

The ultimate goal of our project should be to develop a prototype of social value exchange that can induce a productive tension in the system and enhance the efficiency of social sector as a whole by allowing value-driven resource allocation with low transaction cost. There have been substantial progress and elaboration in conceptual discussions in this area in the past decade, but our aim is to be as practical as possible. That is, instead of dwelling too much on academic exercise of pursuing a perfect model, we focus on testing and getting feedback on a prototype of social value exchange that can be developed within our project's time frame. We believe that is where MBA students like us can add most value.

Among the most obvious issues in developing a workable model of social value exchange have been lack of proper information system and valuation mechanism. Despite all the recent attentions, talks and investments by social sector professionals, boiling down social impact to a set of indicators that can be compared across different objectives remains out of reach. It is not impossible to imagine that certain de-facto standards may emerge in a foreseeable future, but it will take time to reconcile diverse perspectives and needs. Moreover, due to the inherent complexity and diverse perception involved in the valuation of social impacts, formulaic valuation approach is extremely difficult and will require extensive information that would be prohibitively costly to produce and process.

Considering the limited time and resources at hand, our project needs to be very careful about the approach and must be highly goal-oriented. Therefore, we should first focus our efforts on designing a efficient and flexible system (=marketplace) that can process imperfect information and produce a reasonably good valuation, instead of spending our energy to understand the nitty gritty of making better information for formulaic valuation. Then, once establishing a workable valuation system with a sound information clearinghouse system, they should be linked to a resource allocation system with an efficient regulatory and supervisory system.



wha_man3さんのブログは欠かさずチェックしているのですが、"ゴールド、The Power of Goldの教えてくれたこと" は、金の価値についてでした。


バーナード・リエターがドルに代わるグローバル基準通貨として提唱するTerraは、商品価格バスケット制通貨の一種ですが、これがなんともラジカルな設計になっています。みんなが「そうだと思えばそうなる」いかりの無い舟のようなゴールドやドルでなく、inherent valueを持つ一次産品のバスケットの価格に結びつけ、シニョレッジを無くすことによって、国際収支均衡機能およびインフレ防止機能が備わっている上に、デマラージ(マイナス金利)を組み込むことで、経済活動に長期的視点をビルトインすると謳われています。



Neighborhood Business Initiative

私が通うビジネススクールでは、秋学期の間に4-5人の一年生がチームを組んで、シカゴ周辺地域のNPOにプロボノでコンサルティングを行うNeighborhood Business Initiativeという課外活動が盛んです。私も10月から始まったこのプログラムに参加していましたが、一昨日めでたく成功裡に最終プレゼンを行い、クライアントの方々に喜んでもらうことができました。

青少年向けのプログラムを展開しているAlternatives Inc.という中堅のNPOが、初めての営利事業を立ち上げようと様々なビジネスアイデアの種を吟味した結果、有料のブレイクダンス教室を開くという案が選ばれたので、その採算性を測るために私たちのチームが招かれて、2ヵ月間で市場調査、競合分析、収益性シミュレーション等を行いました。





最近のフォーチュン誌の"The Power 25"という記事とその中でのビル・ゲイツの扱いに関連して、町田洋次さんのブログに「(フィランソロピーを刷新しようとする)ゲイツの挑戦が他の起業家にも広がるのかどうかまだわかりませんが、アメリカの企業社会は社会に向かい始めた」とのコメントがあります。




Reengineering money

Martin Wolf's column on Financial Times on November 27 2007 ("Why banking is an accident waiting to happen") analyzes the moral hazard of the banking sector and says; "They go round regulations, just as water flows round an obstruction." That's exactly what will happen even if higher capital requirements are introduced or scrutiny of big banks is intensified as proposed by him because of the way incentives are structured around the current fiat money system. This vicious circle and the economic and social instability it inflicts on the society will never end unless the root cause is addressed. What seems increasingly clear, to me, is that we should start earnestly considering alternatives to the current money system that necessitates privileged treatment of the banking industry as a public utility - in credit creation. Taking steps to promote local currencies based on mutual credit, which circulate in parallel with national currencies, and even to experiment with demurrage, as Bernard Lietaer has been advocating is worth more serious attention in order for our entire economic system to break the costly vicious cycle.


Social Value Exchange System concept

I am now working with my fellow MBA students and external partners on an independent project to develop a prototype of social value exchange system. The above is the diagram that I've developed to describe my initial concept, which we need to further refine. The key for a workable system is robust information flow, value-driven resource allocation, low transaction cost, design of incentives, and liquidity of transaction. Our plan is to start building and experimenting with the valuation and information clearinghouse modules in 2008 and proceed to develop the resource allocation and self-regulation modules in 2009.


Ethics in the confluence of for-profit and non-profit

My future career in the social sector will undoubtedly provide me with frequent ethical dilemmas. Since a social enterprise’s goal is to promote social values, which are intrinsically rooted in ethics, every decision has direct ethical implications.

Even dry decisions on administration cost and advertisement spending can lead social enterprises to ethical breakdowns. For example, my nonprofit consulting venture’s fee is likely to be high by the sector’s standard. While it is necessary for the firm to be able to offer competitive compensation for first-class talents and thus to ensure the service quality, some may consider it as excessive and even unethical.

Balancing disparate stakeholders’ interests is more complicated for social enterprises than for for-profit businesses because there is no clear measure to evaluate and compare the social impacts of certain actions. It will be at the center of my moral challenges and require careful ethical judgment as well as practical reasoning.

I may sometimes find myself caught between nonprofit’s goals and donor interests, due to difference in, for example, preference for tangible or long-term impacts. My professional integrity may be challenged by public opinion since the urgency and gravity of social values do not necessarily correlate with their popularity or attractiveness. The wrong decision could result in erosion in nonprofit’s independence and neutrality, ineffectual strategy or public backlash.

The confluence of for-profit and nonprofit needs may be fertile ground for social innovations, but the less clear-cut legal environment and need for alignment between different value systems will result in ethical grey areas. The controversy over corporate social responsibility is a case in point. I will need to address concerns about diversion of corporate resources to advance social ends for which they are ill-suited, often to the detriment of shareholders.

There will be no easy formula to strike right balance between conflicting concerns. I need to internalize essential values, look at them from multiple viewpoints, and take concrete steps to ensure employees’ integrity.

Leadership experience in my first year as a business consultant

As a first-year consultant, I joined a project for an energy company that was already in progress. The energy company had an aggressive growth target of twenty percent per annum for the next four years. Our firm was working with company executives to prepare the optimal strategy for achieving this goal. More than halfway through the project, there remained unresolved issues with the feasibility of a new approach in gas station development, which was a critical area in our recommendations. I was excited when I was given the opportunity to lead the implementation of a pilot study to test the feasibility. Little did I know, though, just how hard the job would be and how vital my leadership skills would be to our eventual success.

As there was only one month until the final presentation, I did not have the luxury of time. Within a week, we managed to select a pilot branch office, get team members appointed, and organize a kickoff meeting. Unfortunately, the extremely tight time-frame did not allow for sufficient consensus building among the different stakeholders during the preparation. Hastily assembled, my team of five client staff and one associate consultant did not understand the context and objectives of the pilot study. Many were concerned about delays in their daily business as they considered the pilot an unnecessary burden. My greatest challenges were to align their varying interests and gain support on the run.

My first focus as leader was to gain support for the pilot from the client members’ bosses and colleagues at the branch office who thought the client members were “playing with consultants from Tokyo.“ I invested time upfront to meet all the relevant managers individually in order to explain our objectives and request their support. I then continued throughout the project to update key persons on our progress in quick meetings and e-mails. This inclusion of people outside of the project team generated enthusiasm and support for the pilot which in turn excited my team members about the project.

Believing in the long-term effectiveness of empowerment through participation, I focused a substantial part of my efforts on inspiring ownership and a sense of a shared goal in the team. While I provided the overall design for the pilot study, I used open discussions to solicit members’ ideas in deciding specific actions and improving the process. At first, they were reluctant to speak their minds and acted more like bystanders than active contributors, but I gradually succeeded in engaging them in constructive debates. Eventually, heated, yet productive discussions lasting until midnight became common.

One of the client members of my team was particularly hostile about the pilot study. He felt that its purpose was to discredit his work and to replace his approach with a new one dictated by executives at headquarters who did not understand the reality of the field. Understanding the critical importance of his endorsement and commitment in the success of the pilot study, I took every opportunity to have lunch and dinner with him and to accompany him on field visits. This allowed me to have one-on-one discussions with him, to hear his concerns about daily operations, office management, and the Company’s future direction, and to help him realize that the pilot study was an opportunity to make his voice heard and give input to the Company’s strategic decisions.

Though I was praised for successfully generating a convincing analysis of study outcomes before the deadline, I am most proud of the support the client members gave my work at the end of the project. They unanimously spoke up in favor of the pilot study during the final presentation and explained to senior executives how it changed their way of looking at business and cooperation across organizational lines. Because it was those client participants who would have to replicate the piloted approach in strategic focus areas all over the country, their whole-hearted approval was a real victory. This success proved that my leadership skills are applicable in a for-profit business environment and bolstered my self-confidence as a business consultant.



"Only he has the calling for politics who is sure that he will not crumble when the world from his point of view is too stupid or base for what he wants to offer. Only he who in the face of all this can say ‘In spite of all!' has the calling for politics."

Since I read Max Weber’s "Politics as a Vocation" as a college student studying political science, this has remained my favorite quote. The determination to face reality as it is and the ability to keep hope alive and push forward are, I believe, the most essential requirements for not only political leaders but anyone who assumes a leadership role in the process of social change.

During my career, a good part of which was in the nonprofit field, I have seen many colleagues who possessed one of these qualities, but only a few who were equipped with both. I have experienced times when I was so absorbed in an enthusiastic sense of mission that I lost sight of inconvenient reality, when I was frustrated by selfish donor interests, or obstructive government authorities and angered by dishonest beneficiaries inflating their needs, and when I felt so tired as to be tempted to withdraw to my office and settle for simply fulfilling my functions as circumstances require. In such moments, recalling Weber’s quote spurred me to eagerly understand realities with humility, question them with integrity, and persist in taking responsible action to find a way forward.















すると、彼はしばらく考えるような顔をしてから、「どうだろう、それは本当かもしれないし、そうではないかもしれない。でも、フィジーでは、軍隊は国際的に一流のキャリアを積める可能性がある数少ない就職先の一つであることは確かだ」と、答えた。オーケー、で、国際的なキャリアを積んでからどうしたいんだい?世界中を渡り歩く生活と言うのは、傍目で見るほど楽しいものでもないと思うけど、と私。スイスでの食事にタロ芋が出てこないことを嘆くこのラウ出身の青年は、ついさっき、赤十字に一生を 捧げたいとは思わない、と話したことなど忘れたかのように、「もちろんフィジーに戻ってくるさ。そして、フィジー赤十字社の事務総長になりたい」と、真顔で言い放った。


Red Cross experience in Fiji

In my first mission with the International Federation of the Red Cross, I had an opportunity to work with Mr. G, a rare breed of nonprofit manager with solid business and financial acumen. As head of the pacific regional delegation, Mr. G managed to make dramatic improvements in the office’s financial position and in its credibility among its partners.

The Federation delegation assisted and advised 12 Red Cross societies in the Pacific Region with various humanitarian activities. International donors often chose to channel their financial support to individual societies through the delegation to ensure a level of accountability and supervision that many small societies lacked capacity to provide. However, due to lax financial management in the past the delegation sometimes failed to control national societies’ overspending and had accumulated a large deficit.

Mr. G immediately made it clear that solving the problem was at the top of his priority list. First, he tackled the unpleasant job of negotiating financial arrangements with international donors to write off the deficit. Pulling off the intricate negotiations involving multiple stakeholders including donors, their “back donors”, national societies, and the Federation’s secretariat in Geneva, and getting prepared necessary financial and narrative reports required strong negotiation skills combining tactful persuasion and tenacity.

Mr. G then made extensive trips across the region to personally understand the situation of each national society and establish relationships with its leaders. He made frequent contact with them to keep them in the loop. His diplomacy was instrumental in dissolving the sense of mistrust they held toward the Federation, and in building a spirit of cooperation. In his affable yet outspoken manner, he got the message across that improving accountability and transparency was of paramount importance for the delegation to bring back donors and thus to provide better support for them. Inspired by him, the delegation members stepped up efforts to enhance accountability by providing continuous support for national societies in program development, financial planning and management, and donor reporting.

By the time Mr. G left for his home country to assume the leadership role at the Red Cross Society in an African nation after less than two years of stay in the Pacific, the delegation cleared all deficit and had programs expanded and fully funded by a more diverse donor base. He demonstrated how an effective manager should lead an international team and work with diverse partners to achieve excellence. In international and cross-cultural environment, clarity is paramount. In order to motivate a team and mobilize supports, a manager needs to define a clear set of basic principles and objectives, and involve everyone concerned through open and proactive communication. Empathy, self-discipline, and a strong commitment to deliver results are the qualities that go a long way to overcome initial disagreements and inevitable misconceptions, and to make allies of stakeholders with disparate value systems and viewpoints. These are the lessons I learned through my experience of working closely with Mr. G, and that I believe have helped me to take a significant step toward becoming a great manager.





1. CSRの動きをうまく活用し、「社会起業家の育成への貢献度」、または「社会起業家を通じた社会変革への貢献度」といったものを、可視化・指標化し、ランキング公表をすることで、企業からの資金の流れを促進する

2. コミュニティ通貨によるノンプロフィット資本市場を形成し、social venture capitalまたはventure philanthropyと呼ばれるようなアプローチを飛躍的に進化させる



今日、愛読している踏み上げ太郎さんのブログで、"Chosen ones "という記事 を読んで思い出したんですけど、昨年の日経の記事になりますが、『世界の「富」、人口の2%が半分以上所有』というのがありました。




Undergraduate years

At Waseda University, I was like a kid in a candy store. After studying mandatory subjects in high school with an unwavering focus on the all-important university entrance examinations, the freedom to choose subjects and learn what interested me most liberated my intellectual curiosity.

Determined to make the most of Waseda’s liberal, open-minded atmosphere and the opportunity to debate various subjects with independent thinking friends and faculty, I took my academic exploration well beyond the required coursework. I read and learned about history, philosophy, ethnology, anthropology, evolutionary psychology, and cognitive science as well as political science, international relations and economics. The experience of self-directed interdisciplinary learning and extensive reading enlightened me, providing me with valuable reference points to view issues from multiple angles.

As one seeking to make an impact on the global community, I dabbled in foreign languages including English, German, Korean, Chinese, Spanish and French. I also took English language courses in Australia during the summer break as a freshman and audited classes on international relations at UCLA the following year. These experiences strengthened my international outlook and desire to work in the global arena in the future.

In my junior year I joined Professor Hideki Ohata’s seminar on theories of international politics, where I became one of the most active contributors in weekly discussion sessions. I chose to study Robert_Keohane’s institutional liberalism and John Steinbruner's cybernetic theory of policy making, which together made a profound impact on my thinking. They helped me to see both the forest and the trees in any organization or system: in other words, I learned the importance of attending to both macro and micro perspectives and appreciating the interdependence of relationships between the constituent elements.

Outside of my fundamental coursework, my involvement in the Ten Universities Joint Seminar on International Relations was the most critical contribution I made in my undergraduate academic experience. As chief of the Asian section, which was comprised of 30 students from ten universities in Tokyo, I created study programs, set the agenda, instructed other students on how to prepare presentations, and moderated weekly study sessions. Intensive discussions with other students with different specialty areas, such as development study, peace study, diplomacy, and international security helped to sharpen my interest in the issues of international social development and led me to choose public policy as the focus of my graduate studies.


UNESCO experience in Korea

Launching a new international understanding education program for Korean schoolchildren that had no precedence, that the new Education Minister was taking personal interest in, and that the Ministry of Education was sponsoring but only with less than $10,000 for the initial year – all this sounded to me as interesting challenge worth stepping up to. I got recruited by the Korean National Commission for UNESCO to take charge of the program.

The original concept agreed between UNESCO and the Ministry of Education was to ask foreign staff of diplomatic missions and cultural centers based in Seoul to volunteer to visit schools and talk to students about their country’s culture. While the response was mostly favorable, it soon turned out that these people were either too busy to participate or too formal to make interesting classes for schoolchildren.

With such a small budget, short preparation time, and no other staff than myself, nobody might have blamed if the first school term had ended in a mere gesture of trying to start. However, having experienced treatment as “half foreigner” in my own country of citizenship just like in similarly homogeneous Japanese society, I knew the value of the program for Korean society and was committed to make it a success. I managed to convince the Ministry that we should shift the target of our volunteer recruitment to overseas college students and spouses of expatriate businesspeople. At the same time, I added it as a main goal of the program to provide foreign volunteers with opportunities to learn about and participate in Korean society, in order to change the reliance on one-way giving to a more sustainable process of mutual benefit.

Class contents had to be made more interactive and interesting for students. With many colleagues’ help, I produced a handbook with ideas and examples and organized training for both foreign volunteers and Korean interpreters. Happy school teachers and volunteers spread words of mouth and the program was featured by many national media, which significantly helped broaden our volunteer base.

Satisfied with the instant success, the Ministry committed ten times the budget for the second year, and UNESCO assigned two staff under me. Foreseeing a bottle-neck in the process of matching school teachers’ and volunteers’ needs, which was being done manually by telephone and e-mail, I brought in a contractor to develop an internet-based system that could automate a large part of the process. Furthermore, I started preparing for taking the program outside of Seoul where this program would have more value. One experiment organized a caravan of volunteers that toured around rural schools. I also started contacting regional universities that had overseas students and was interested in serving as regional coordinator for the program.

I left Korea after completing the second year, but the Cross-Cultural Awareness Program is still running with basically the same formula and now considered as one of UNESCO’s flagship activities in Korea. This successful experience gave me self-confidence, which has stayed with me ever since.


Red Cross experience in Myanmar

Disasters do not announce themselves. The key to disaster management is therefore preparation and efficient coordination. In May of 2004, a devastating storm hit the Rakhine region of Myanmar and caused widespread damage that severely affected more than twenty-five thousand people. The internationally isolated military government pushed aside its suspicion of humanitarian aid and made an unprecedented decision to request international assistance, and the Red Cross launched the first-ever international appeal for Myanmar. Though I had just left Myanmar and was three thousand miles away at the time, I take great pride in the relief operations that followed because the guidelines, best practices, and information channels developed under my leadership made its success possible.

Two years earlier, just after I arrived in Myanmar, I took responsibility for coordinating another flood relief operation as acting head of a delegation of the International Federation of Red Cross. The serious lack of reliable information and the reluctance of the authorities and the Myanmar Red Cross Society (MRCS) leadership to take timely actions made it a formidable task. During my two-year mission, I addressed these problems from three dimensions – systems, skills, and culture.

First, I collaborated with MRCS leaders to formulate its Disaster Management Policy and develop standard operating procedures to institute the Disaster Assessment and Response Teams (DART) at a branch level. This laid the vital foundation for reliable information gathering and reporting mechanisms between MRCS National Headquarters and its branches.

Second, I developed a training program on essential knowledge and skills in disaster relief by drawing on examples and expertise from other countries. I organized a “training of trainers” workshop to create a pool of branch leaders, who later facilitated the DART workshops across the country. They trained 110 Red Cross staff and volunteers and nine representatives from the local authorities and military medical service in damage and needs assessment, reporting, logistics management, and coordination.

Third, I initiated a strategic planning process to articulate MRCS’s overall missions and directions and conducted an extensive branch survey to reduce communication gaps between the National Headquarters and branches. Concurrently, I organized advocacy events to sensitize key local officials to their humanitarian obligation to assist disaster-affected populations. These initiatives were instrumental in clarifying the MRCS’s roles and responsibilities in disaster management and in generating a shared understanding about ways to coordinate relief operations among MRCS staff and volunteers at all levels of the organization and their counterparts in the authorities and other humanitarian organizations.

My strengths as a leader were vital to realizing the changes that helped thousands of people in need. I was able to visualize the contextual connection between different national, organizational, and individual problems and find common ground between disparate interests of individual Red Cross leaders, the government authorities, and donors. These skills helped me develop a holistic, long-term vision and formulate strategic steps that led the organization in the desired direction based on a broad consensus. This experience taught me that the right combination of empathy, straight talk, perseverance, and a collaborative approach can produce positive results even in a complicated, murky political environment beset with multiple stakeholders and hidden agendas.







My value system

Throughout my life and career I have proactively eschewed the comfort of the status quo, instead choosing paths that frequently come with steep learning curves. At critical junctures I have been willing to pull up roots and take risks. Seeking new challenges has enriched my life and enhanced my capacity to effect change. I have honed the ability to understand my immediate surroundings, relate them to a broader context, identify clear objectives, find my way forward, and push on. It excites me to reach outside myself, to explore new ideas, to take on new challenges, and to make a difference in something greater than myself.

Many of the qualities and values that I possess – open-mindedness, compassion, industriousness – were learned from my parents. Born into a Korean-Japanese family in Japan, I quickly became aware of explicit and implicit social biases against minorities. I am indebted to my parents for teaching me to understand the nature and outcome of prejudices and discrimination, to be open-minded and fair, yet strong in asserting my rights and those of other disadvantaged people. As I grew up, these seeds eventually developed into my lifetime goal of contributing to the alleviation of worldwide inequality in wealth and opportunity through new social initiatives.

Industriousness is an integral part of my ethic. My parents emphasized the necessity of hard work and encouraged me to always double my efforts to ensure success. When I feel exhausted, remembering their words and how hard they worked re-energizes me. My values come from my past, but I look toward the future.

My Korean heritage nurtured independence and resolution, whereas my Japanese upbringing taught me teamwork and harmony. I have lived, worked and studied in Japan, Korea, the U.S., Fiji, Myanmar, and Switzerland, in addition to traveling to 34 other countries. My professional experience cuts across private, nonprofit, and public boundaries. I have firsthand insight into the virtues and shortcomings of the respective sectors, which will allow me to examine, synthesize, and reinterpret new experience and learning from a unique perspective.


Internet microfinance and venture philanthropy

"Websites let you be banker to world's poor" - This Reuters' article introduces two organizations: Kiva and Acumen Fund.

Kiva's approach looks more innovative. It aims to be an "eBay for microfinance" by linking small businesses in the developing countries, which need to raise capital, and ordinary people all over the world who can afford to *lend* (not give out) money to them over the Internet.

Most of innovations are not entirely new but combine well-known concepts. Kiva successfully combines the Internet's ability to reduce the cost for ordinary people to participate in the international transactions and the concept of microfinance. Neither of them are quite novel, but Kia created an unique business model by combining the two.

For Kiva's model to grow and increase impact, the organization and its emulators would need not only to ensure low default rate like Dr. Muhammad Yunus' Grameen Bank but also to clear the risk of misuse of the fund. It is critical to establish a rigorous measures to screen, rate and monitor field parnters' repayment reliability and integrity. Only one case in which the funds raised through this model is misused and channeled to criminal/terrorist activities can ruin the whole endeavor.

As it gets bigger, Kiva will also need to be careful about the risk of clouding out the local financial business and creating a new sort of dependency.

The model adopted by Acumen Fund is somewhat less novel, but no less ambitious and probably more reliable. Like Kiva, it emphasizes on the market-oriented approach to solve the problems of global poverty. However, their main funding source are big foundations like Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
, and the size of their investment is much bigger than Kiva. It identifies and supports social innovators, and seeks "to prove that small amounts of philanthropic capital, combined with large doses of business acumen, can build thriving enterprises that serve vast numbers of the poor."

I believe money is important but it alone cannot solve the problems of global poverty. New, efficient mechanisms to transfer charitable money globally is just starting to emerge. It will be much more difficult but equally crucial to develop such a mechanism to mobilize skills and expertise across the world and link them to the needs in developing nations.







My career vision

My career vision is to build institutional infrastructures that will transform the way global social development functions. I plan to create a consulting firm specializing in nonprofit management and social enterprise, and develop it as an agent of global change to promote the development of an international standard for social enterprises’ performance evaluation and the formation of financial and human resource markets, complete with information clearinghouses, auditors and self-regulatory bodies, which can collectively drive efficiency in the social sector.

I will first launch the firm in Japan and promote it as a catalyst to match the needs of innovative nonprofits with those of private companies. The Japanese social sector lacks strong foundations that can provide leadership and fund professional consulting services. My initial strategy will be to tap into the desire for corporate social responsibility and offer companies a packaged solution including development of CSR strategy, consultancy for partner nonprofits, and performance evaluation.

I am not solely driven by altruism, but by the fact that this career path is what holds the greatest interest, meaning, and excitement for me. If the worth of a life is in the lasting difference our life makes, then it seems clear to me that I should aim for the maximum positive impact. I want to alleviate international inequality in wealth and opportunity because I believe this is the gravest social injustice and the greatest threat to sustainable prosperity in today’s world.

This is a colossal and complex issue and making major advances requires attacks on multiple fronts. To maximize my impact, however, I will leave the beaten track to others and focus on exploring an original approach that can make a real difference. I am convinced that the key is to capitalize on a vastly underutilized resource: the power of humanity resting in each individual. The institutional infrastructure to moderate and facilitate efficient functioning of nonprofits and social entrepreneurs is still at a rudimentary stage of development compared to market infrastructures or political systems. Development of such social infrastructures can unleash the potential of social enterprises, enabling ordinary people worldwide to participate effectively in the process of international social development. If I can make a difference by realizing this vision, mine will be a life well-lived.